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New York City Council Hearing: The State of Animal Rescue | Friday, September 13, 2024 | 10:00 AM ET | New York City Hall Council Chambers | Sign up to testify here.

We really need the City Council to step up and allocate funding that NYC desperately needs to cover the real costs of spay/neuter programs and veterinary care for those in need, to alleviate the financial pressure currently placed on individuals and organizations doing the work, and to address the cat crisis. Our main message is to urge the City Council to make a significant investment in high-volume, low-cost spay neuter and affordable veterinary care for any rescuer or pet parent who needs it.

The hearing will cover critical issues our city is facing: the stray and owned cat crisis, surrenders of large dogs, overburdened shelters, stagnant adoption rates, unaffordable vet care, and so much more. Council Member Justin Brannan’s new legislation to crack down on backyard breeders will also be addressed. Thank you to Health Committee Chair Lynn Schulman and Speaker Adrienne Adams for this hearing.

Testifying in-person tomorrow is the most impactful way to use your voice, but testifying via Zoom or written statement are also options if you can’t make it. Spoken testimony must be less than 2 minutes in length and all modes of testimony require advanced sign up before the hearing. Please select “Sept 13 Committee on Health” when filling out the form.

You’ll find City Hall across from 250 Broadway, Lower Manhattan. Because every attendee must pass through security before entering the hearing, it’s best to arrive by 9:30am to give yourself time to make your way into the building. VFAR will be there with free t-shirts for supporters but, in case you can’t grab a shirt from us, please wear light green or mint. Please plan to be in attendance all day – hearing lengths can vary widely in length.

Please email after you sign up to testify so we can help you prepare for the hearing and know to expect you.